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Why Should You Choose Eco-Friendly Laundry Services?

Do your environmental-minded ears alarm up when doing laundry, the usual way? If yes, then your eco-friendly instincts are well-tuned. 

Do you know laundry is one of the ways to preserve our earth? Whenever we hear the news on global warming or climate emergency, we regret doing wrong to nature. Our ecosystem is under significant threat in the future and it is crucial to take action to ensure that we live a sustainable life as much as possible.

Laundry comes with a serious environmental price tag, including drying machines, toxic detergents, high temperatures, long cycles and loads of water usage, all potential threats to health and the environment.

When it comes to laundry, you wish to get your favourite and precious garments dry cleaned but are unsure which type of dry cleaner to choose. There are two ways, either go the traditional route or switch to eco-friendly dry-cleaning services. 

We will be guiding you on how eco-friendly dry cleaners are different from traditional ones and the top reasons to choose eco-friendly services, so keep reading:

1. It’s Safe for The Environment

You are concerned about the earth, so you came to check on dry clean services that are safe for the planet. With Eco- friendly laundry services, you are ultimately saving yourself, your future generations and Mother Earth and who wouldn’t want to do that?

Traditional dry cleaning emits loads of toxic waste into the air, the soil and water, which damages people, plants, animals and possibly the ozone layer. But when you opt for eco-friendly laundry services, you are not harming the earth but instead taking care of it. 

2. Eco-Friendly Dry-Cleaning Services Protect You 

In traditional dry-cleaning services, PERC (Perchloroethylene or Tetrachloroethene) and other harsh chemicals are used. Some parts of these chemicals remain intact on your clothing and some vaporise into the air. Because Perc has been connected to various health problems, including cancer, you don’t want it on your dress or in the air you breathe. But with eco-friendly dry-cleaning services, you don’t need to worry about health risks when you clean your clothes because they employ only health-friendly substances.

3. Water Conservation 

Dry cleaning doesn’t use water, unlike laundry. So, when you combine the lack of water with organic chemicals, you are already benefitting the environment. Water conservation is the best of all ways to help save the planet. 

4. Eco-Friendly Dry Cleaning Is Effective 

It’s not just about saving the planet but also about cleaning your clothes effectively. Eco-friendly dry-cleaning solvents penetrate clothing to remove stains, oils, grease and dirt. You’ll find that these solvents perform better than PERC and other harsh chemicals commonly used by traditional dry cleaners. Ultimately, your clothes will look even better.

5. Eco-Friendly Dry Cleaning Is Odourless

It must have happened to you several times when you returned from dry cleaners only to smell the foul odours from harsh chemicals. It is enough to turn your stomach and make you hide the clothes away, hoping that the smell will fade and you can wear those clothes again. In Eco-friendly dry cleaning, solvents are odourless and colourless and you can happily wear your fresh garments immediately after receiving them from the service company. Not just that, but these solvents are strong enough to remove odours that may have remained on the garments before you sent them to the dry cleaner. 

6. Costs Equal or Less Expensive

Did you know that eco-friendly dry-cleaning services are usually the same or even less expensive than traditional dry cleaning? Traditional dry cleaning is costly due to the high cost of the chemicals. As Governments have begun to heavily tax Perc to eliminate it, the cost of traditional dry cleaning with Perc and other solvents has risen significantly. Eco-friendly products are safer and healthier and are no more expensive now. So, more savings, more sustainability. 

7. Keeps Your Clothes in Excellent Condition

Don’t you want the best for your clothes? PERC damages clothing over time, so the more you visit traditional dry cleaners, the more difficult it is on your clothes. Whereas eco-friendly solvents are gentle and non-toxic to clothes even after multiple times without causing any damage, making your favourite attire last longer. 

8. Phoenix’s Eco-Friendly Dry-Cleaning Services Are Easy

You can use phoenix eco-friendly dry-cleaning pick-up and drop-off service to handle your clothing. The service will pick up your dress without any hassle, clean it and deliver it to your doorstep easily—a quick and easy way to get your dry cleaning done correctly. Also, you can’t beat this if you’re short on time.

So, you see, there are numerous benefits to choosing eco-friendly laundry services. If you are looking for any, Phoenix laundry provides eco-friendly laundry services in Vashi and Alibaug with pick-up and drop service. 

We know that it requires many different resources to do laundry. So, we aim to reduce our environmental footprints to save precious resources like water, electricity and, most importantly, your time. 

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